Artist bio 

Mads Borre har en MFA fra Det Jyske Kunstakademi (2019) og Newcastle School of Art (2018). Borre arbejder interdisciplinært med skulptur, tegning, lyd og performance - ofte i kontekstspecifikke installationer, hvor lyd og performance udspiller sig iblandt fysiske værker.

Værkernes konceptuelle grundlag opstår parallelt med en optagethed af materialer og deres tekniske bearbejdening. Gennemgribende er et arbejde med fragmenter, queerness, repetition og brud, poesi, leg og improvisation.


Mads Borre has an MFA in visual arts from The Jutland Art Academy (2019) and Newcastle School of Art (2018). Borre is an interdisciplinary artist who works with sculpture, drawing, sound and performance - often curated in context specific installations, where sound and performance take place amoung the phsysical works.

The conceptualization of the work occurs in unison with the attention to materials and their technical development. Throghout his work Mads Borre works with fragments, queerness, repetition and obstruction, poetry, play and improvisation.